
I am actively seeking internship opportunities.

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The funky blog

My unqualified predictions about the future of computing (3/20/25)

I believe that analogue computers will make a comeback. Will it be clockless CPUs, op amp computers, or maybe even quantum (if you can call them analogue) computers? It could be any of these, but currently I am betting on photonic processors. Because, why stop at the speed of silicon, when you can reach the speed of light?

Some RISC-Y thoughts (1/12/25)

The other day I was looking at what RISC V processors were available in the market (as one does) and I stumbled upon the Milk-V Duo. It costs $5. Granted, it is not a HPC chip, but the cheapness of it got me thinking: embedded devices aside, RISC V allows companies to produce processors without having to pay massive licensing fees to companies like Intel. And not only companies, individuals too.

Maybe, in the future, there will be open source HDL implementations of RISC V cores that allow start-ups and hobbists alike to program FPGAs or tape out custom chips from companies like Atomic Semi (looking at you Sam Zeloof and Jim Keller). Perhaps specilized and modular hardware could be used to power cool edge applications, new AI chips, and maybe even a free and decentralized internet through transparent and trustworthy hardware.